Terms and Conditions


Goods are charged at price ruling when dispatched. While most prices remain constant throughout the catalogue, special reductions may be offered for promotional reasons. All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT except where stated. Every effort is made to ensure that product descriptions, colours, etc are accurate however some variations may unavoidably occur.


Bates Office Services Ltd offer a free next day delivery service except where stated. Some products may be subject to longer lead times and this will be advised when necessary.


Due to the service and high discounts offered our payment terms do not allow for extended credit. Terms of payment are strictly 30 days from date of invoice. Should an account exceed these terms it may be put on hold and orders withheld until remittance is received.

Payment may be made by cheque payable to Bates Office Services Limited, by cash, credit/purchasing card or bankers automated crediting system to HSBC plc sort code 40-61-35 account number 00182867.

Orders are fulfilled on the condition that:
i) Title to the goods remain with Bates Office Services Limited until payment in full for them is received.
ii) The seller has the right to enter upon any premises where the goods may be found for the purpose of recovering such goods.


Bates Office Services Limited offer a generous returns policy whereby any goods received which may be damaged, incorrect, or faulty may be returned provided the following conditions are met.
i) We are advised of the problem within five working days of receipt of goods.
ii) Returns are in their original packaging.
iii) All necessary documentation has been completed and returned to us.


We may transfer information about you to our bankers/financiers for the purposes of providing services and for the following purposes;
 Obtaining credit insurance
 Making credit reference searches
 Credit control
 Assessment and analysis (including credit scoring, market, product and statistical analysis)
 Securitisation
 Protecting our interest

We will provide you with details of our bankers/financiers and that of any credit reference agencies used on request.

A 15% handling charge may be levied where goods are supplied correctly and in good faith to a